Doumbek Tones, Sounds & Effects
Doumbek Tones, Sounds & Effects
- Doum - Deep center sound, tonal and with some sustain
- tek - High rim sound, exhibits the characteristic tones
of the shell, and head of the drum. The tek is made by striking close to
the edge of the drum head
- ka - High inner sound, played by off hand (traditionally left).
This sound
is made by striking an inch two inside the edge of the drum head with the off
- ba - Similar to ka but with the lead hand.
- slap - Damped doum sound the hand presses gently against the head of the
drum to stop the vibration; this is a dry flat sound.
- ruff - Three fingers (middle, ring, and pinky) hit the drum in evenly spaced
succession. This technique produces a triplet: three quick sounds within
time of one ordinary beat.
- snap - This sound is also a high ringing rim sound; it is sharp
and piercing like the tek. In the typical Turkish
style snap the fingers are snapped next to the drum and allowed to strike the rim.
This is easier when practiced on drums that have squared shoulders. Be careful
not to hit the drum with fingernails, they might scratch the drum.
Drums &
Doumbeks & Darbukas
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