"A good drummer listens as much as he plays." ~ Indian Proverb
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Drum & Percussion Hardware
Color Options
Note: Regarding the Wine Red drum, the pic above says "Metallic Wine Red", but the actual set is not metallic; rather it is simply wine red.
Percussion Plus 5-Piece Power Kit
(Pic: Brushed Blue Power Kit) (Pic: Bronze Power Kit)
Price includes shipping in continental U.S.
Delivery: FedEx Ground, typically arrives in 2 - 5 days in continental U.S.
16" x 22" Bass drum with 8 lugs per side
16" x 16" floor tom with 6 lugs per side
11" x 13" Power tom with 6 lugs per side
10" x 12" Power Tom with 6 lugs power side
5.5" x 14" chrome snare with 8 lugs
9-ply cross laminated wood shells
Double-braced snare stand with basket assembly
16" Crash Ride Cymbal
14" Hi Hat cymbals
Cymbal stand with tilt mechanism
Double-braced hardware
Single spring, chain drive drum pedal
Delivery: FedEx Ground; arrives in 3 - 5 business days in continental U.S.